Anthropogenic seismicity in the surroundings of some reservoirs in Colombia
Published 2020-09-30
- Anthropogenic seismicity,
- Induced seismicity,
- Reservoirs,
- Stored volume,
- Overload
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This research analyzes if the seismicity registered in the surroundings of five reservoirs in Colombia, is related to the overload and discharge exerted by its filling and emptying cycles, respectively. The selected dams have different water storage volume ranges, as they are one of the parameters that most often influence the seismicity detonated by reservoirs. The study period was delimited between 2000 and 2017, using the following inputs as reference information: seismic events registered by the National Seismological Network of Colombia, daily reports on the storage volume of the reservoirs, as well as geological-structural information of the study areas at the regional level generated by the Colombian Geological Service. The analyses carried out for the Betania, Calima, Urrá and Salvajina reservoirs do not allow to stablish a conclusive direct relationship between the recorded earthquakes and the volume changes of these reservoirs; however, the results obtained for the Topocoro dam estimate that the construction of this structure may be producing a greater number of seismic events in its surroundings.
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