Vol. 43 No. 3 (2021): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Quantitative analysis of the fracture systems and groundwater implications in the south zone of the Mesa de Los Santos, Santander - Colombia

Yessenia Tarazona-Lizcano
Universidad Industrial de Santander
María Camila Vargas-López
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Francisco Velandia
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2021-09-30


  • Statistical analysis,
  • Fracture patterns,
  • FracPaQ,
  • Circular windows,
  • Fluid flow

How to Cite

Tarazona-Lizcano, Y., Vargas-López, M. C., & Velandia, F. (2021). Quantitative analysis of the fracture systems and groundwater implications in the south zone of the Mesa de Los Santos, Santander - Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 43(3), 107–123. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v43n3-2021005



The quantitative analysis of the fracture system is the use of statistical methods and procedures to determine the structures geometry and the parameters that describe the fracturing such as intensity, density, and fracture length with the purpose of identifying the most favorable areas for infiltration and fluid storage in a specific area. To implement this analysis in the south of the Mesa de Los Santos, the FracPaQ software was used, which measures and quantifies fracture patterns in two dimensions based on digital data obtain from outcrops photograph. This data is shown in range and dispersion maps to correlate with geologic attributes taken from each station. As additional information, a preliminary analysis of the flow of fluids is presented in graphs of connectivity and permeability in the direction of the flow. This quantification allowed establishing that the NW-SE faults stand out in the spatial arrangement and opening of the fractures, acting as the main corridors for the circulation of fluids in the southeast of the Mesa de Los Santos. We propose the zone influenced by the La Mojarra Fault as a sector of high secondary porosity favorable for infiltration and subsurface flow associated with the upper member of the Los Santos Formation.


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