Vol. 46 No. 2 (2024): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Anomalous apparent resistivity events from 2018 to 2021 and their possible association with the seismic activity of the Bucaramanga Seismic Nest, Colombia

Nathaly Alba Quintero
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carlos Alberto Vargas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2024-06-14


  • Magnetotelluric method,
  • Resistivity anomalies,
  • Bucaramanga Seismic Nest,
  • Intermediate seismicity

How to Cite

Alba Quintero, N., & Vargas, C. A. (2024). Anomalous apparent resistivity events from 2018 to 2021 and their possible association with the seismic activity of the Bucaramanga Seismic Nest, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 46(2), 31–46. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v46n2-2024002



Three magnetotelluric stations located on the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and belonging to the Geophysical Network of the National University of Colombia (TUNJ, USME, and VCIO) have been used to detect spatial and temporal anomalies in apparent resistivity to depths exceeding 200 km, in the period from April 2018 to June 2021. From this monitoring, it was observed that transient anomalies took place hours before the seismic crisis of April 23, 2018, in the Bucaramanga Seismic Nest (BSN). Among the main findings of this work, it was possible to identify a potential association between apparent resistivity anomalies prior to or during four seismic events with 3,3 ≤ Mw < 4,3 at a depth of 115 ≤ H < 154 km on April 23, 2018. The association between resistivity anomalies and seismic events is explained by other authors as a fluid migration process, which generates pore pressure that exceeds effective stress and causes fracturing within the BSN.


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