Vol. 45 No. 2 (2023): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Tectono-structural characterization and favorable sectors for hydrocarbons in the western basins of southern Cuba from non-seismic exploration methods

Manuel Enrique Pardo-Echarte
Centro de Investigaciones del Petróleo
Orelvis Delgado-López
Centro de Investigaciones del Petróleo
Jessica Morales-González
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría

Published 2023-06-15


  • Sedimentary basins,
  • Hydrocarbons,
  • Potential fields,
  • Aerial gamma Spectrometry,
  • Morphometry

How to Cite

Pardo-Echarte, M. E., Delgado-López, O., & Morales-González, J. (2023). Tectono-structural characterization and favorable sectors for hydrocarbons in the western basins of southern Cuba from non-seismic exploration methods. Boletín De Geología, 45(2), 115–130. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v45n2-2023007



Sedimentary basins are a traditional target for oil and gas exploration in all territories. The mapping of its sedimentary thickness is an essential element to consider, but this information is not always available due to the limited volume and quality of the seismic and drilling work carried out. The sedimentary basins to the south of the Cuban archipelago have a magnetic basement made up of volcanic rock with ophiolite sequences. The cartography of the sedimentary thicknesses and the composition of the basement can be established from the processing and interpretation of the data of potential fields. An integrated approach was used that considered the determination of the depth to the magnetic basement and the 2D physical-geological modeling of potential fields. In addition, morphometric methods were used from the Digital Elevation Model 90 × 90 m. The main objective of the research is to characterize from the tectono-structural point of view the western basins of southern Cuba and, the specific objective, to establish the favorable sectors for hydrocarbons, basically, from the aerial gamma-ray spectrometry in terrestrial sectors. The field from depths to the magnetic basement (magnetic and well data) was found to approximate the known limits of the basins. The 2D physical-geological modeling of potential fields by the study profile confirmed the initial geological model. The most promising localities for hydrocarbons corresponded to the Taco Taco No.1 well (Los Palacios Basin) and the La Paila and El Sulfuroso shallow wells and the Madruga wells (Vegas Basin).


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