Vol. 46 No. 2 (2024): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Petrophysical characterization of the reservoir in the Santa Cruz oilfield in Cuba

Olga Castro-Castiñeira
Centro de Investigación del Petróleo
Odalys Reyes-Paredes
Centro de Investigación del Petróleo
Dania Brey del Rey
Centro de Investigación del Petróleo
Luismel Hernández-Pérez
Centro de Investigación del Petróleo

Published 2024-06-14


  • Carbonate reservoirs,
  • Properties,
  • Fracturation,
  • Well logs

How to Cite

Castro-Castiñeira, O., Reyes-Paredes, O., Brey del Rey, D., & Hernández-Pérez, L. (2024). Petrophysical characterization of the reservoir in the Santa Cruz oilfield in Cuba. Boletín De Geología, 46(2), 47–63. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v46n2-2024003



In the Cuban Northern Oil Belt there is a group of oilfields with carbonate reservoirs, belonging to the Veloz Group formations, within the Placetas Tectonic Stratigraphic Unit. These oilfields have a common history, where their composition is similar. However, the reservoir properties vary from one to another and within the same reservoir due to different wells locations. Based on this reality, several studies have been executed, which have discovered factors that can enhance or hinder production. The complex geology of folds and sheets plays an important role in the differences, where a structured fracturing improves the permeability of the rocks. The present paper is developed in the Santa Cruz oil field, where key wells were selected to represent each of the three blocks that constitute it. The wells selected for the analysis have a complete set of conventional logs in the reservoir, the electrical borehole imaging (FMI) log and the lithology described in the wells with the borehole cuttings. The principal objective was to characterize the oilfield reservoir by petrophysic. As a result, reservoir properties were calculated: clay volume, effective porosity, water saturation and effective thicknesses, after establishing cut off values for each sector or block. Additionally, geomechanical properties were evaluated in a key well.


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