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Systematic analysis of macroseismic data of strong earthquake allow us to do an appropriate model for the seismic source. By the seismic source we understand the minimal region enough isometric, which include every irreversible elastic deformations which happen together with the earthquake. Using a set of data of the macroseismic field in this paper we solve the inverse problem of the macroseismic for the earthquake occurred at 31th march of 1983 in Popayan, Colombia. This problem consists of the determination of size and position of foci of the earthquake. The regional macroseismic field for a value (? = 5.0) gives results compatible with the following focal parameters:
Io = VIII MM; Eon: j = 2°27´39”N ;
l = 76°37´6” W Ioc= 8.0 + 1.0 MM ; hn = 7.9 km
The geometrical model for the seismic source has been elaborated following the Shebalin’s metodology. This model is finished with the following values:
Eol: j = 2°29´14” N ; l = 76°36´ W lxl = 4.05 km ; Az = 112° ; hl = 2.1 km
lxn = 13 km ; q = 58° (dip SW) lz = 8.7 km ; Ar = 86.0 Km2
Keywords: Earthquake, macroseismic field, magnitude, intensity, Popayán.
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