Vol. 33 No. 2 (2011): Boletín de Geología


Luis Enrique Cruz Guevara
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Javier H. Jerez Jaimes
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Humberto L. Amaya
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Jorge E. Rueda Fonseca
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Juan David Badillo Requena
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Jaiber L. Villamizar Cáceres
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Published 2011-12-06

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Cruz Guevara, L. E., Jerez Jaimes, J. H., Amaya, H. L., Rueda Fonseca, J. E., Badillo Requena, J. D., & Villamizar Cáceres, J. L. (2011). FTIR, LIBS.PHYSICO CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION, TAPHONOMY AND ECOLOGYOF Orthokarstenia ewaldi (FORAMINIFERA: SIPHOGENERINOIDIDAE) LOSPINOS FORMATION (CRETACEOUS: MAASTRICHTIAN) FROM SAMACÁ(BOYACÁ, COLOMBIA). Boletín De Geología, 33(2), 95–105. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/2547


The Orthokarstenia genus is considered a microfossil guide to the ages of the Cretaceous period. Thecharacteristic species of Los Pinos Formation corresponding to Cretaceous Period and Maastrichtian age and fitsto the morphological description of Orthokarstenia ewaldi species. From the siliceous matrix several specimenswere taken and macerated for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) testing with KBr base. Specimenswere collected from three levels of a rock. Three-dimensional images were taken with a video-microscopes to detail the form and structure of minerals. A fragment of rock was used to perform Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) tests and to establish the presence of the elements Ca, Fe and Mg. Thin sections were also made and described. FTIR spectra of for aminifera were similar in the three levels where the samples were taken but showed differences with the spectrum of the silica matrix. LIBS analysis confirmed the presence of Ca and Fe in the samples. In thin sections, amorphous silica filling the shell was observed, and also a faint. trace of the original shell as a fine sediment. Traces of Ca found with LIBS analysis confirm the replacement of aragonite to magnesian calcite and finally to silica. Using the relationship between the variance and the mean of three sizes of squares was determined the dispersion of the specimens. The values obtained indicated a clustered distribution type. This type of distribution is indicative of the conditions of resources in the habitat, reproduction and dispersal mode. It is possible to infer that the dominant reproductive system of O. ewaldi was megalospheric, being the asexual forms more common.

Keywords: Benthic, Foraminifera, FTIR, LIBS, Upper Cretaceous.


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