Published 2012-08-24
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The first potassium salts ores found in Colombia are presented and described; they are located in the Santander province, in La Mesa de los Santos area, between Los Santos village and the rio Chicamocha Canyon. Froma geological point of view, the mineralization is associated to the sediments of the Paja Formation, Early Cretaceous in age, and is located near the base of the formation. In the study area the main structure is the Villanueva syncline which involves, from bottom to top, Los Santos, Rosablanca, Paja, Tablazo and Simitiformations.The mineralization consists of small veins where the main mineral is singenite (K2Ca[SO4]2 - H2O) with small amounts of carbonates and accidental minerals. In the host rock, minerals like langbeinite (K2Mg2[SO4]3) andrinneite (K3Na[Fe,Cl]6) are present; they show that the rock was formed in an evaporitic environment and that detailed studies of that sequence may lead to the discovery of other mineralizations of economic interest.
Keywords: Colombia, Ores, Potassium, Santander, Minerals, Potasiumsalts
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