Vol. 30 No. 1 (2008): Boletín De Geología


Juan Pablo Marín Arias
Universidad de Caldas
Elkin de Jesús Salcedo Hurtado
Universidad del Valle
Hardany Castillo González
Universidad de Caldas

How to Cite

Marín Arias, J. P., Salcedo Hurtado, E. de J., & Castillo González, H. (2008). RELACIONES EMPÍRICAS ENTRE PARÁMETROS INSTRUMENTALES Y MACROSÍSMICOS DE ALGUNOS TERREMOTOS FUERTES DE COLOMBIA. Boletín De Geología, 30(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/305



In order to establish the relationships between macroseismic and instrumental parameters, macroseismic feld of 28 historical earthquakes that produced great effects in the Colombian territory were studied. The integration of the parameters was made by using the methodology of Kaussel and Ramirez (1992), for great Chilean earthquakes; Kanamori and Anderson (1975) and Coppersmith and Well (1994) for world-wide earthquakes. Once determined the macroseismic and instrumental parameters it was come to establish the model of the source of each earthquake, with which the data base of these parameters was completed. For each earthquake parameters related to the local and normal macroseismic epicenter were complemented, depth of the local and normal center, horizontal extension of both centers, vertical extension of the normal center, model of the source, area of rupture. The obtained empirical relations from linear equations, even show behaviors very similar to the found ones by other authors for other regions of the world and to world-wide level. The results of this work allow establishing that certain mutual non compatibility exists between the area of rupture and the length of rupture determined by the macroseismic methods, with parameters found with instrumental data like seismic moment, Ms magnitude and Mw magnitude.

Keywords: Empirical relations, earthquakes, macroseismic feld, magnitude, Colombia.


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