Vol. 24 No. 39 (2002): Boletín de Geología

Evaluación del riesgo volcánico en la Isla de Ischia (Italia)

M. Mattera
Universidad Complutense

Published 2002-06-04


  • Ischia (Italy),
  • natural hazard,
  • natural risk,
  • volcanic risk

How to Cite

Mattera, M. (2002). Evaluación del riesgo volcánico en la Isla de Ischia (Italia). Boletín De Geología, 24(39), 101–119. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/3921


The volcanic activity of the isle of Ischia is Unmarked in the recent geological hisrory of the tirrenic area, during which, since ten million years ago, it has produced a process of migration in direction SW of the Italan peninsula, responsible of the formation of deep fractures by which magma has been injected to the surface.
In this paper is realized a first approxomation to the evaluation of the volcanic risk in this isle, considering for this the dangerous of the potential eruptive process, the elements in risk and the vulnerability of these elements in fornt of the volcanic phenomenon.
The analyses of the dangerous is based not only in the calculation of the probability that a new eruption occurs in a determined zone of the isle, but also in the estimation of the probalility with which the different eruptive phenomenology occurred. These typologies conditioned also the value of the vulnerability of the elements of territory, because the destruction level that will produce is different. When the parameter of dangerous is estimated the results of a previous study has been taken into account, in which the probability of occurrence of a new eruption in the isle had been calculated.
In spite of the grade of risk is not so high, it should not be underestimated in function of two peculiar characteristics of this territory: its high touristy flux and its insular character.


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