Vol. 23 No. 38 (2001): Boletín de Geología

Edades por trazas de fisión de circones provenientes de la Formación Saldaña, Valle Superior del Magdalena

E. Schwabe
Universidad EAFIT
G. Toro
Universidad EAFIT
Ch. Kairuz
P. Ferreira,

Published 2001-10-02


  • fission track,
  • thermochronology,
  • Upper Magdalena Valley,
  • Colombia,
  • Saldaña Formation

How to Cite

Schwabe, E., Toro, G., Kairuz, C., & Ferreira, P. (2001). Edades por trazas de fisión de circones provenientes de la Formación Saldaña, Valle Superior del Magdalena. Boletín De Geología, 23(38), 31–40. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/3975


Fission track analyses were done on ditch cutting and core samples from wells 1A, Suarez-1 and Dina 12 drilled in the Upper Magdalena Valley. In 1A well: a population of crystals of Devonian-Carboniferous age (356±16 Ma to 395±15 Ma) occurs with a population of crystals of Early Cretacic age (137±6 Ma). In the Suarez-1 well zircons of Early Cretacic age (135.0 ± 5 Ma) were found. Finally, it was found in Dina 12 well a population of crystals of Early Cretacic age (141± 5 Ma) mixed with Tertiary crystals. Fission track ages between 137 and 141 Ma, are in agreement with published ages for the Saldaña Formation. Track retention in zircon indicates that, at least, from the Jurassic the sedimentary sequence has not been affected by thermal events over 210±20°C (maximum temperature of retention track range in zircon according to Zaun and Wagner, 1985).


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