Vol. 23 No. 38 (2001): Boletín de Geología

Estudio de los paleofluidos en la Formación Silgará y su relación con procesos de deformación. Sector Aratoca-Pescadero (SW del Macizo de Santander).

L. C. Mantilla Figueroa
Universidad Industrial de Santander
J. C. Ordóñez Calderón
Universidad Industrial de Santander
S Cepeda Espitia
Universidad Industrial de Santander
C. A. Ríos Reyes
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2001-10-02


  • Metamorphism,
  • fluid inclusions,
  • shear band,
  • Silgará Formation

How to Cite

Mantilla Figueroa, L. C., Ordóñez Calderón, J. C., Cepeda Espitia, S., & Ríos Reyes, C. A. (2001). Estudio de los paleofluidos en la Formación Silgará y su relación con procesos de deformación. Sector Aratoca-Pescadero (SW del Macizo de Santander). Boletín De Geología, 23(38), 69–75. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/3979


The Silgará Formation that crops out in the Pescadero-Aratoca area presents a thermal structure defined by the metamorphic zones of the sillimanite, staurolite-distene, garnet and biotite. A band of approximately 120 m in width, located in the boundary between the staurolite-distene zone and garnet zone, presents a high amount of hydrothermal veins (boudinated) parallel to the regional schistosity. This fact, along with another deformation structures (isoclinal, recumbent folds, etc.), suggests the presence of an important shear band that favored the circulation of fluids, which was developed during an extensive stage, temporally associated to the exhumation of this metamorphic unit.
The microthermometric studies in fluid inclusions (IF) in veins, mainly compossed by quartz, let to identify six hydrothermal events that affected the Silgará Formation, during its retrograde stage. Compositionally, these paleofluids can be gruped in aquose-salines (H2O+NaCl) and complexes (H2O+NaCl+CO2+CH4+/N2+H2S?).


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