Vol. 30 No. 2 (2008): Boletín De Geología


Julián Andrés López Isaza
Mario Andrés Cuéllar Cárdenas
Jairo Alonso Osorio Naranjo
Luis Enrique Bernal Vargas
Elizabeth Cortés Castillo

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López Isaza, J. A., Cuéllar Cárdenas, M. A., Osorio Naranjo, J. A., Bernal Vargas, L. E., & Cortés Castillo, E. (2008). PSEUDOTAQUILITAS Y EL CARÁCTER PALEOSÍSMICO DE UN SEGMENTO DEL SISTEMA DE FALLAS DE BUCARAMANGA (SFB), NORESTE DEL MUNICIPIO DE PAILITAS, DEPARTAMENTO DEL CESAR, COLOMBIA. Boletín De Geología, 30(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/42



The occurrence of pseudotachylites associated with cataclasites found in "pressure backs" constituted by rocks related to the Bucaramanga Gneiss, developed in the transpressive segments of the Bucaramanga Faults System (BFS) Relief demonstrates the paleoseismic character of this one to the Northeast of the Municipality of Pailitas - Cesar Department, Colombia. 

The pseudotachylites are characterized to appear as injection, cataclastic and fault veins, petrographycally conformed by lithic clasts, fine grain matrix, optically observable grains and amygdales. The origin from melting for the pseudotachylites is suggested by the textures of the veins, which are characterized to display cooling margins, injection veins, macroscopic and microscopic flow bands, biotite microlites in veins, plagioclase microlites of albitic composition, "glass plate" type fractures, potassium feldspar and plagioclase deformation, and cleared, corroded and concave edges; potassium feldspar and quartz recrystallized; lithics clasts wrapped by the matrix and amygdales.  

Keywords: Pseudotachylites, Bucaramanga Faults System, Paleoseismic character, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.


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