Vol. 29 No. 2 (2007): Boletin de Geologia


How to Cite

García, C., Hermelin, M., Lopéz, G., Sierra, G., Toro, G., & Rink, W. (2007). OSL DATING OF STONE LINE AND OTHER SURFACE FORMATIONS LOCATED IN LLANOS DE OVE­JAS, ANTIOQUIA, COLOMBIA. Boletín De Geología, 29(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/460



This work marks the fst application of Photoluminescence (OSL- Optical Stimulated Luminescence) in Colombia. Photo-luminescence method allows the determination of the age of burial of materials with a range from 6 to 800 000 years under optimal conditions; the method is really important for the study of diverse quaternary deposits.

Detailed feld work, aerial photo analysis and stratigraphic study of the study area were completed with emphasis on the stoneline, a regional horizon of clastic accumulation. The aim of this work was to achieve a better understanding of the paleoenvironmental conditions when the surface formations of the area were originated, as well as the evolution of the highlands and uplift of the Central Cordillera.

The frst ages obtained in Colombia by photoluminescence correspond to the stoneline: 30 900 ± 4 500, 24 100 ± 3 800 and 18 900 ± 2 300 years for the horizons FSO 07-2, FSO 16-2A and FSO 19-2 respectively. These ages belong to the Last Pleniglacial, erosive period of dry and cold conditions with intermittent rain and scarce vegetation.

Deposits below the stoneline where dated in 53 400 ± 5 900, 66 700 ± 14 000 and 36 000 ± 4 900 years at the horizons FSO 06-3, FSO 16-3 and FSO 19-3 respectively, which indicates they were formed during the humid period from 60 000 to 28 000 years BP.


Key words: erosion surfaces, photoluminescence, stoneline, Llano de Ovejas, stratigraphy, dating methods, Central Cor­dillera




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