Vol. 29 No. 2 (2007): Boletin de Geologia


How to Cite

Pulido Taborda, M. (2007). OCEANOGRAPHIC CRUISES IN COLOMBIA, A FIRST STEP FOR THE EXPLORATION OF OUR OFF-SHORE BASINS. Boletín De Geología, 29(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/463



Ecopetrol ICP took part in the last Research & Reconnaissance Oceanographic Cruise of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), its mission was to recognize an area in the Pacifc Ocean (Papette (Tahiti) - Honolulu (Hawaii)) where they will drill eight stratigraphic wells. The objective is to develop studies about climate change, palaeoproductivity, biostratigraphy, astronomic calibrations of geological events, temperature profles, geological evolution and circulation and sedimentation patterns. The reconnaissance of the area is based in the use of some tools, which allow the visualization of the sea foor characteristics to drill. Those tools are the seismic, magnetometry, ecosounder, multi-beam bathymetry, piston coring and the Multi System Track, among others.

Ecopetrol ICP made a test in the Santa Marta bay applying the learned methods in the IODP cruise to extract sea foor samples. This test turned out successful, we obtained depth core samples between 20 and 400 meters. With those samples we want to made biostratigraphy studies based in recent foraminifera distribution, to generate a model that allows to predict palaeoenvironments and palaeodepths and in this way contribute to the understanding of reservoir geometry in marine basins.


Key words: IODP, Exploration, Offshore Basin, Ecopetrol - ICP, Foraminifera.



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