No. 20 (1965): Boletín de Geología

Footprints on Foliar Cyatheaceae of Colombia Fossils

Denise Pons
Laboratorio de Paleobotánica, facultad de ciencias de París

Published 1965-08-23

How to Cite

Pons, D. (1965). Footprints on Foliar Cyatheaceae of Colombia Fossils. Boletín De Geología, (20), 5–26. Retrieved from


Two fossil prints of leaves, found by Jaime de Porta in the deposit of Cerro Penagos (State of Tolima, Colombia) are studied here. Both prints belong to the genus Cyathea: (C. juliverti n. sp., and C. colombiensis n. sp.). The repartition of fossil and actual Cyatheacese is given, (l lig,) and stratigraphically appertain lo thememher Palmas of the Mesa Formation (Tertiary).


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