Vol. 40 No. 1 (2018): Boletín de Geología

Explosibility risk evaluation of the methane gas in coal underground mining, case Sinifaná basin, Colombia

Camilo Andrés Ortega-Ramos
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Triana Margarita Franco-Bonfante
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Astrid Blandón-Montes
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Jorge Martín Molina-Escobar
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2018-02-23


  • methane,
  • digging,
  • coal,
  • Sinifaná

How to Cite

Ortega-Ramos, C. A., Franco-Bonfante, T. M., Blandón-Montes, A., & Molina-Escobar, J. M. (2018). Explosibility risk evaluation of the methane gas in coal underground mining, case Sinifaná basin, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 40(1), 83–91. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v40n1-2018005



Coal-Bed Methane (CBM) has the risk to generate explosions when its volume is between 5% and 15%, so it is very important to perform a routine monitoring of its concentrations during mining activities. The most critical point of the coal mining is the digging because it is the moment when the perturbation of CBM occurs, causing its release. Were performed measurements of methane concentrations during the digging in mines along the Sinifaná basin, from wich were performed profiles and correlations to determine the most influential factors for gas accumulations and explosions. Also, they were performed correlations between factors of ventilation and geographical locations of the mines, being the first the most influential it presenting concentrations of 30% higher in mines without ventilation. 


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