Vol. 29 No. 1 (2007): Boletin de Geología


How to Cite

Bayona, G., Cortés, M., Jaramillo, C., Ojeda, G., Aristizabal, J., & Reyes, A. (2007). PRE-NEOGENE DEFORMATION OF THE EASTERN CORDILLERA, AS EVIDENCED BY FORELAND STRATA  . Boletín De Geología, 29(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/844





Strata architecture, provenance, structural and Geodynamic analyses constrain the identification of 4 pulses of deformation,prior to the post-middle Miocene Andean pulse. Change of strata pattern of deposition and provenance in the foreland basin document the first two pulses during the late Maastrichtian-Paleocene time. In the Magdalena Valley and western flank of the Eastern Cordillera concentrated deformation of the third pulse, whereas amalgamated fluvial Mirador- Picacho sandstones accumulated in areas with low-accommodation space patterns. Late Eocene-Middle Miocene strata along the Llanos foothills and Llanos basins record, from north to south, growth strata patterns, abrupt lateral changes of thickness, and diachronous onset of deposition of synorogenic strata. Location of tectonic loads for each pulse was determined based on geodynamic modeling; this approach also allows us to quantify the amount of loading with respect to Andean tectonic loading. These four events of deformation should be considered in future hydrocarbon and mining exploration programs.


Keywords: foreland, Llanos, Eastern Cordillera, uplift history


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