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The Barroblanco (Oiba town, Santander) were characterized by geological and mineralogical studies with the purpose to define a great variety of industrial applications. In this paper also were determined the geological conditions of formation and the reserves were estimated. The kaolin deposit occur as a tabular body emplacement in the medium horizon of the La Cumbre formation and outcrops along the Cerro Negro anticline. The identified minerals by X-ray diffractometry in the seven kaoliniferous levels beside kaolinite are quartz, muscovite/illite, anatase, giibsite and amorphous material. The dertermined mineralogical and chemical properties of kaolin defining its behavior during mineral processing. The kaolin quality after mineral processing was substantially improvement and define the most appropriate use for the production of white cement and high quality ceramics.
Key words: Kaolin, Vereda Barroblanco, kaoliniferous levels, resources.
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