Vol. 28 No. 2 (2006): Boletin de Geología


How to Cite

Colegial, J., Gomez, S., & Rojas, N. (2006). GEOLOGICAL CARTOGRAPHY AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE QUEBRADA RIO SUCIO BASIN, TONA, SANTANDER ORIENTED TO DEFINE CONCEPTUAL HYDROGEOLOGICAL MODEL. Boletín De Geología, 28(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/851



In the development of this work geological parameters defined in field were involved and they drive us to understanding of flow systems existing in the Cuenca Experimental de Río Sucio (CERS); in the area of study metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks are present and are limited by structural blocks covered by quaternary glaciers, alluvial and slope deposits; which constitute?? zones of water storage interconnected by faults. The structural complexity is defined by two preferential trends of faulting, a main pattern NW-SE is controlling the tributaries of the Rio Sucio and others NESW pattern related with local faults, these preferential trends behave as preferential routes of water transport among zones of Berlin Altiplano and quaternary deposits. Vertical Electric Saunding and tomography were realized as important tools in the first quantitative approximation to the thicknesses of the deposits and hydraulic characteristics. These aspects may corroborate the behavior of subsurface structures and to define the first conceptual hydrogeological model. With the cartography and structural description in this mountain basin, we present the first hypotheses on directions of possible water flow, storages zones and origins of recharge of water in complex geologic conditions like the CERS basin.


Key words: Structural Complexity, Deposits, Conceptual Hydrogeological Model, Hydrogeology.


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