Vol. 27 No. 1 (2005): Boletin de Geología

Geodynamic regional scheme for norwestern southamerica (subduccion model and relative displacements)

H. Monsalve
Universidad del Quindío
H. Mora

Published 2005-01-11


  • Subduction Zone,
  • Wadati-Benioff Zone,
  • Regional Seismicity

How to Cite

Monsalve, H., & Mora, H. (2005). Geodynamic regional scheme for norwestern southamerica (subduccion model and relative displacements). Boletín De Geología, 27(1), 25–53. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/865


This paper introduces some Isodepth contourns maps as well as the geometry of the subducted Nazca plate. We propose that the north boundary of the Nazca plate is located at a latitide of 8°N. Additionnally, we determine three dip angles 38°, 30° and 18° with constant transition between the Cauca and Murindo segments, this angle increases from north to south. A transition zone located between 5°N to 6°N is proposed, in which there is a change in the slope of the plate. This transition zone coincides with the place where the volcanoes disappear, the north arch of the Central Cordillera.


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