Tectonic setting of the northernmost volcanic belt of the central cordillera, colombia
Published 2005-01-11
- Radar,
- Landsat,
- Earthquakes,
- volcanoes,
- tectonic,
- Central Cordillera ...More
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The northernmost Colombian recent volcanism is located in the central part of the Central Cordillera between the Romerales and Machín volcanoes. This volcanic belt is bounded by transversal fault systems, observed in an area of 10.000 km2. Radar and Landsat images interpretations, earthquakes locations, relative displacements of blocks, active faults studies and published geological maps were used to constrain this volcanism. Three major fracture orientations systems were recognized in the region. The fist system strikes N-S and is parallel to the Central Cordillera foothills. The second is oriented NW-SE and is related to the Rio Arma Fault and similar structures. The third with a SW-NE tendency is comparable with structures such as the Garrapatas and Ibagué faults. Faulting and recent volcanism relationship was identified, as well as their seismic activity. Additionally, the relative importance of the identified tectonic structures was established. Finally a micro-block is proposed for the region and their relative directions and magnitudes of displacement were determined using GPS methods. This analysis allow us to propose the Ibagué and Arma fault systems as tectonic boundaries of a crustal block that represents the subduction of a slab segment under the continental arch, generating the recent volcanism in this part of the Central Cordillera.
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