Vol. 27 No. 1 (2005): Boletin de Geología

Quindio´s earthquake 25 january 1999, morphotectonic and seismological evaluation

A. Gallego
Universidad de Caldas
L. Ospina
Universidad de Caldas
J. Osorio

Published 2005-01-11


  • Morphotectonic,
  • Focal Mechanism Solutions,
  • Pull-apart basin

How to Cite

Gallego, A., Ospina, L., & Osorio, J. (2005). Quindio´s earthquake 25 january 1999, morphotectonic and seismological evaluation. Boletín De Geología, 27(1), 134–150. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/869


In order to understand the behaviour of the Quindio´s Earthquake 25 January 1999 and its sequence of replicas a morphootectonic (geomorphologic indicators) and seismologic analysis (space-temporal and spectral analysis, ruptura length, focal mechanism solutions and stress tensor) was undertaken. The result suggest that the epicentre area presents an extensional regime down to 10 km depth and compressive between 10 and 25 km depth, forming a negative flower structure. This geometry is interpreted as the result of the lateral traction of the Ibagué Fault over the Romeral Fault System, giving origin to a pull-apart basin in filled by the Glacis del Quindío deposits over the last 5 million years.


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