Vol. 40 No. 3 (2018): Boletín de Geología

The Villamaría-Termales Monogenetic Volcanic Field, Central Cordillera, colombian Andes (Part I): Morphological features and temporal relationships

Luis Alvaro Botero-Gómez
Universidad de Caldas
Pablo Osorio
Universidad de Caldas
Hugo Murcia
Universidad de Caldas
Carlos Borrero
Universidad de Caldas
Jeny Alejandra Grajales

Published 2018-09-25


  • Morphometry,
  • lava dome,
  • lava flow,
  • monogenetic volcanism,
  • colombian Andes

How to Cite

Botero-Gómez, L. A., Osorio, P., Murcia, H., Borrero, C., & Grajales, J. A. (2018). The Villamaría-Termales Monogenetic Volcanic Field, Central Cordillera, colombian Andes (Part I): Morphological features and temporal relationships. Boletín De Geología, 40(3), 85–102. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v40n3-2018005



The Villamaría-Termales Monogenetic Volcanic Field (VTMVF) is located in the middle of the Central Cordillera of Colombia. It is part of the San Diego - Cerro Machín Volcano Tectonic Province (SCVTP), and is related to the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Complex (NRVC). The VTMVF is composed of at least 14 monogenetic volcanoes; 12 of them are conical and subconical (domes), one is massif (dome), and one is irregular (lava flow). Based on the morphometric and geomorphological analysis reported in this study, we define the VTMVF as a volcanic field affected by a variety of geomorphological and glacial processes. This field occupies an area of 114.5 km2, where the Villamaría-Termales fault system controlled the volcanic dispersion. These volcanic centers have an age range between 1.8 Ma and <38,000 years (Calabrian-Late Pleistocene). The morphometric analysis as volume and separation and grouping indexes allowed us to define the spatial relationship (i.e. distance between the volcanoes and their geoforms) between the volcanic centers that make up the VTMVF 


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