Vol. 26 No. 43 (2004): Boletín de Geología

Petrographic and analytical techniques applied to characterization of gold deposits and metallurgical processes

Published 2004-12-02


  • Petrography,
  • analytical,
  • gold,
  • mineralogy,
  • metallurgical

How to Cite

Molano, M., & Mojica, B. (2004). Petrographic and analytical techniques applied to characterization of gold deposits and metallurgical processes. Boletín De Geología, 26(43), 127–139. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/912


The lack of application of ore petrography and analytical techniques in the history of Colombian gold mining makes the miners continue working with the traditional method of trial and error in the study of the metallic deposits and in the recovery of precious metals. The petrography and the analytical techniques are important because they allow establishing the characteristics of gold deposits and other precious metals, mineralogical associations, liberation condition and sulfide exhibition. With the data generated on mineralogy, composition and textures of the valuable minerals and gangue, the metallurgical processes of recovery of the precious metals and sulfide of interest can be optimized, eliminating unnecessary tests.



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