Vol. 41 No. 3 (2019): Boletín de Geología

Structural analysis of the Bogotá Anticline, Colombian Eastern Cordillera: Implications on deformational styles of the Llanos Foothills

Daniel Barrera
Universidad EAFIT
Andrés Mora
Eliseo Tesón

Published 2019-09-30


  • Eastern Cordillera,
  • detachment folds,
  • Llanos foothills,
  • Andean orogeny

How to Cite

Barrera, D., Mora, A., & Tesón, E. (2019). Structural analysis of the Bogotá Anticline, Colombian Eastern Cordillera: Implications on deformational styles of the Llanos Foothills. Boletín De Geología, 41(3), 15–30. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v41n3-2019001



In this study we describe and discuss a structural analysis of the Bogotá Anticline, based on the creation of a new geological map and structural cross sections, to propose a model of evolution for the folding. The Bogotá Anticline is a complex geological structure with important variations in vergence and geometry over very short distances. Because of that, its formation was previously associated with gravitational collapses. The Bogotá Anticline is located in the Bogotá Plateau, which is part of the axial zone of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. We propose that this fold displays a lateral variation that evidence different stages of deformation of a faulted detachment fold with a detachment horizon located in the Chipaque Formation. A proposed thrust fault located to the east of the structure could generate the necessary shortening for the formation of this fold. The proposed model may serve as an analogue in an earlier less deformed state for the folds observed in similar rocks of the Llanos foothills.


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