Epistemological Confrontation between Hegel and Kant
Published 2021-01-01
- theory of knowledge,
- epistemology,
- constitution of consciousness,
- subject-object relationship,
- objective idealism
- reality ...More
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This research focuses on his interest in carrying out an analysis of Hegelian-Kantian thought used to construct the concept of substance as subject and its relation to the formation of real knowledge within consciousness. Therefore, we begin by theorizing from the postulate of Kantian philosophy where the meaning of noumene and its consequences are developed in the practical field seen from his Critique of Pure Reason. We start from this scenario because we consider that a large part of Hegel's epistemological explanation of the Phenomenology of Spirit is built as a result of his confrontation with Kant's criticism. In conclusion, the specificity of the problems and controversies that both philosophies share, make it necessary to reflect and clarify their opinions about the conception of knowledge, in addition to the fact that, for educators, psychologists and sociologists it is essential to unravel the ways in which the knowledge and, therefore, the constitution of the real from both epistemological positions.
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