Vol. 20 No. 1 (2021): Revista Filosofía UIS

The Gadfly and the Parricide. Notes on Assuming the Proper Name in Philosophical Studies at University

Germán Osvaldo Prósperi
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Published 2021-01-01


  • parricide,
  • own name,
  • philosophy,
  • thought,
  • stranger

How to Cite

Prósperi, G. O. (2021). The Gadfly and the Parricide. Notes on Assuming the Proper Name in Philosophical Studies at University. Revista Filosofía UIS, 20(1), 205–223. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v20n1-2021009


This article proposes that: to adopt a philosophical attitude, it takes more than challenging prevailing opinions and arguing dialectically. It also takes killing the Father, that is, assuming a proper name, a locus of enunciation, which implies confronting —to a greater or lesser extent― the thinkers we dialogue with. If Socrates is the gadfly that challenges and persuades, then the Stranger in the Sophist is the parricide. I will then argue that the philosophical attitude can only be explained fully and thoroughly by using both analogies/metaphors. Furthermore, I will demonstrate that in academic institutions the gadfly is preferred to the parricide.


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