Published 2022-07-01
- Nature,
- subject of rights,
- subaltern,
- native Science,
- Other
- speak ...More
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The problem of substantive Subjectivation in Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, the return to native science of Gregory Cajete as Other science, and the adjective subjectivation of Nature subject to rights in Caroline McDonough are the aspects that the present work thematizes; authors and whose contributions, apparently unrelated, keep a certain parallelism and complementarity for the dissertation about the protection of nature, which not only can speak, but also requires studies and affirmative actions so that it can indeed do so. It is an interdisciplinary three-voice philosophical dialogue about the Subject and the new Others (nature and native science) with respect to the Subject of the West. This, under the assumption that in the study of the protection of nature as a subject of rights, the reconstruction, resignification and relationship of the concepts of Subject, Science and Other, in application, is important and enriching. The above, with respect to the study and critical reflective foundation of conflicts in socio-natural relationships. Nature as a subject of rights is a new Other and is in a state of subalternization with respect to the hegemonic powers and knowledge of the West. In the same way, native science is another Other with which the discussion about nature is established and dialogued.
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