Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023): January - June

The Problem of the Moral Obedience to the Law from the Theoretical and Conceptual Assumptions of Normative Ethics

Yezid Carrillo De la Rosa
Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
Milton Pereira Blanco
Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
Fernando Luna Salas
Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Published 2023-01-02


  • moral obedience,
  • law,
  • normative ethics,
  • constitutional case law,
  • justice

How to Cite

Carrillo De la Rosa, Y. ., Pereira Blanco, M., & Luna Salas, F. (2023). The Problem of the Moral Obedience to the Law from the Theoretical and Conceptual Assumptions of Normative Ethics. Revista Filosofía UIS, 22(1), 277–296. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v22n1-2023013


This reflection article is the result of a research that used a qualitative methodological approach expressed in two dimensions: an analytical-conceptual one and a critical-hermeneutical one. Its primary objective is to analyze the problem of moral obedience to the law based on the theoretical and conceptual assumptions of normative ethics. Holding as the main thesis that ethics is far from being an applied morality, since this would lead to confuse ethics with morality and, on the contrary, compliance with the norms is given as morally correct, consequently, it will be possible to conclude Through the present work that there is a moral obligation to comply with the law, except for specific moral judgments against certain regulations of conduct established by norms that are not in accordance with critical or moral values.


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