Published 2023-07-05
- Aristotle,
- Protrepticus,
- phýsis,
- téchne,
- end of man
- philosophy ...More
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In the series of frags. 11-17 of the Protrepticus Aristotle presents an extensive argument, whose vector thread is the notion of phýsis of him. It is a progressive argument in which Aristotle traces a relationship between phýsis and techné, whose objective is to conclude the relevance of receiving philosophical education and philosophizing.
Our objective is to analyze this argument, considering its ontological and epistemological assumptions. To do this, we will divide the work into two parts: in the first we will make a very brief analysis of how Jamblichus cites Aristotle's Protrepticus, because it is the source through which we access the argument under consideration here; in the second, we will stop at the analysis of the argument itself.
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