The abandonment of the «enlightened» humanistic project. Notes for an «eccentric ethics»
Published 2023-07-05
- ethics,
- post-humanism,
- cynicism,
- compassion,
- anthropocentrism
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This article seeks to envision, from the field of the claims of humanism, the possibility of an ethic devoid of a «center» that is based on «compassion». It will seek to understand the need to abandon attempts to return to the «humanistic» project to try to formulate a non-anthropocentric ethics to avoid its greatest risk: the «enlightened cynic». Additionally, «humanism» will be considered as the solemn flash of a «star that died long ago» but that gives signals for the construction of an eccentric ethic founded on compassion and pain. For such purposes, three sections will be presented: a) the humanist an enlightened cynic b) evasion mechanisms. Poverty and the bourgeois way of life and c) the absence of a center and the possibility of an eccentric ethic.
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