Published 2023-07-25
- contingency,
- construction,
- realism,
- relativism,
- social
- metaphysics,
- constructivism,
- constructionism,
- constructionalism ...More
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After several decades of critical discussions and revisions, scientific constructivism seems to have lost its validity. In the face of this assertion, this text offers the following thesis: rather than being worn down, its main approaches and legacies are still valid, and have been transformed into several perspectives that affirm the contingency of science and technology, in a sense compatible with some realist points of view, and in which joint action, co-construction or mutual assembly between several heterogeneous elements and factors are valued. In this way it remains one of the main epistemological and metaphysical perspectives in the social and natural sciences. The transformations that have taken place in relation to constructivism have to do fundamentally with some changes in the way of understanding the concept of construction: limits have been placed on the critical, deconstructive political intentions of construction, and on the monist, and social substantialist sense; and there has been an ontological turn towards a plural, relational, and positive sense of construction. In this text a detailed critical review of the origin, meaning, contributions, misunderstandings and problems of technological scientific constructivism is made, with the purpose of analyzing its evolution, or the way it has evolved and transformed into other points of view, as the title suggests.
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