Anglo-Eurocentrism in University Philosophy Curricula: A Systematic Literature Review
Published 2024-01-02
- academic philosophy,
- curriculum,
- Anglo-Eurocentrism,
- occidentalism
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This article presents a systematic review of the debates concerning Anglo-Eurocentrism in university philosophy curricula, emphasizing the imperative for enhanced cultural diversity. Based on a review of 52 studies from the last decade, six primary debates emerge, elucidating the implications of Anglo-Eurocentrism in academic philosophy: 1) acknowledging Anglo-Eurocentric ethnocentrism in the disciplinary identity of philosophy; 2) earnestly engaging with philosophical multiculturalism; 3) turning wholly or partially to comparative philosophies; 4) seeking diversity via intercultural philosophy; 5) a paradigm shift: from the normalization of philosophical coloniality to Latin American interculturality; and 6) integrating contemporary African lessons for the diversification of the philosophical curriculum. The article furnishes a guiding overview of these debates, underscoring the key premises and theses in contention. In conclusion, it advocates for a reevaluation of the curricula of philosophy academic programs in Colombian universities, aligned with the Policy of Inclusive and Intercultural Higher Education.
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