Vol. 23 No. 1 (2024): January - June

Scope and Limits of Peter Singer's Preference Utilitarianism and the Defense of Equal Treatment of Nonhuman Animals

Carlos Andrés Moreno Urán
Deutsche Schule Cali, Colombia

Published 2024-01-02


  • Preference utilitarianism,
  • Peter Singer,
  • egalitarianism,
  • animals

How to Cite

Moreno Urán, C. A. (2024). Scope and Limits of Peter Singer’s Preference Utilitarianism and the Defense of Equal Treatment of Nonhuman Animals. Revista Filosofía UIS, 23(1), 132–157. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v23n1-2024007


This article analyzes Peter Singer's preference utilitarianism theoretical proposal and studies its scope and limitations in relation to advocating for equal treatment towards non-human animals. First, I will present Singer's theoretical model, followed by an analysis of three criticisms: a) the counterargument of replaceable resources; b) the determination of the value of the lives of non-human animals as intrinsic and c) the importance of the treatment of the concept of animal rights. Finally, I will evaluate Singer's proposal based on the criticisms, with the purpose of having a more coherent theoretical proposal that provides a defense for species other than humans. This article contributes to the ongoing discussion on animal ethics and environmental responsibility.


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