Scope and Limits of Peter Singer's Preference Utilitarianism and the Defense of Equal Treatment of Nonhuman Animals
Published 2024-01-02
- Preference utilitarianism,
- Peter Singer,
- egalitarianism,
- animals
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This article analyzes Peter Singer's preference utilitarianism theoretical proposal and studies its scope and limitations in relation to advocating for equal treatment towards non-human animals. First, I will present Singer's theoretical model, followed by an analysis of three criticisms: a) the counterargument of replaceable resources; b) the determination of the value of the lives of non-human animals as intrinsic and c) the importance of the treatment of the concept of animal rights. Finally, I will evaluate Singer's proposal based on the criticisms, with the purpose of having a more coherent theoretical proposal that provides a defense for species other than humans. This article contributes to the ongoing discussion on animal ethics and environmental responsibility.
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