Self-destruction and Self-constitution in Kierkegaard´s Thought: An Analysis of Part One of The Sickness Unto Death
Published 2024-01-02
- Kierkegaard,
- self-constitution,
- self-destruction,
- despair,
- freedom
- self ...More
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The starting point of this paper is that the idea of self-preservation is constitutive for the understanding and historical development of modern subjectivity. Kierkegaard´s analyses the psychology of the modern individual in his pseudonymous work The Sickness unto Death takes up and reworks the topic of self-preservation. Anti-Climacus (Kierkegaard's pseudonym) argues that human beings are not concerned with the maintenance of an already determined and concluded self, but rather with the actual constitution of this self. In his presentation, he considers that the empowerment of self-constitution could lead to self-destruction. This article attempts to interpret despair as self-destruction and, from this interpretation, to offer a consistent understanding of its two main modalities: not will to be oneself and will to be oneself. Finally, the article considers the possibility of overcoming despair and concludes by reflecting on the modern development of the concept of self-preservation.
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