Vol. 9 No. 2 (2010): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Déconcert: a post-derridian philosophy

Manas Roy
Universidad de Assam, India.

Published 2010-12-14


  • Photö,
  • Photösyntagmatics,
  • Photö-Dynamics,
  • Photö-Vita

How to Cite

Roy, M. (2010). Déconcert: a post-derridian philosophy. Revista Filosofía UIS, 9(2), 11–26. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/1591


In the ‘Photosynthesis’ mechanism where tree leaves receive and prepare their food materials through sunlight. We may find it the same as in all Literature. While they receive their subjective food materials in the form of new literal ideas only through this everlasting Husserlian mechanism of ‘epoché’ or, it’s “Photö-mechanism”— the kind dynamism of ‘epoché’— the “Photö-Dynamics (PD)”. In researching Edmund Husserl’s everlasting notion ‘epoché’ through Pheno→Photö→Word→Art concertment, one can re-discover so many new dimensional lights towards manifestation one of a new Phenomenology→Déconstruction→Déconcert dimension. ‘Déconcert’ from philosophical feature, may be explained as: “The theory of culturing syntagms by ‘photö-dynamics’ (PD), by concerting themselves with suitable literature(s), making and plying all at a time”. “Concerting Deconstruction” is only an effort towards exploration of the resultant-metaphysics of Derrida’s Philosophy of Déconstruction in the present era. Above all it’s an effort towards, the re-thinking of Husserl’s Phenomenology more scientifically after Derrida’s Deconstruction; and opening-up of new Déconcertic dimensions—. One of new kind dimension may be presented as “Photö-Phenomenology”; as a new branch of “Phenomenology” under Concertive Humanities.


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