Published 2010-12-14
- Human,
- religion,
- feeling,
- reason,
- world upside down
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Copyright (c) 2010 Freddy Francisco Ortiz Quezada
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
When stablishing the reason as the powerful owner of sense and foundation of all reality: it automatically comes the death of religion, because, of denying sensory experience, being it the foundation of the religious phenomenon. This project was developed by the Western mind during in a time that became decisive for human destiny. The goal this paper is to show, first, how humanity is essentially religious and, secondly, how the western human spirit has attempted to destroy this foundation. In this sense, our pursuit is to reveal how philosophy located between the end of the Middle Ages and early modernt kills the religious phenomenon, being the Cartesian philosophy as being responsible for sending to religion to its his darkest night.
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