Vol. 10 No. 1 (2011): Revista Filosofía UIS
Reflection Paper

The invention of the self (Foucault and the return to the aesthetics of subjectivity)

Carlos Surghi
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Published 2011-07-15


  • subjectivity,
  • subject,
  • aesthetic,
  • philosophy,
  • ethic

How to Cite

Surghi, C. (2011). The invention of the self (Foucault and the return to the aesthetics of subjectivity). Revista Filosofía UIS, 10(1), 161–175. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/2623


The present work asks about the ways in whichthe last investigations of Michel Foucault developed an ethical perspective about subjectivity and the notion of subject. This perspective has was developed by Foucault in the collected investigations related to sexuality as a discoursive apparatus of subjectivity and around the techniques that constitute a series of practices that get the subject to be. Somehow we have centered our attention on those aspects that allow us to define the elaboration of a critical history of thought that makes a problematical point of view about the subjectivity and subject through an ethical perspective, which tries to return to the subjective constitution though pleasure, to propose an aesthetic of existence that brings Foucaultian investigations to a deeper relation with his studies on antiquity as a singular moment of sexual discourse, strait relation with the present where it is enunciating the orientation of that investigation.


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