Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Heidegger, reader of Plato: transition from aletheia through the cave’s myth

Adriana Patricia Carreño Zúñiga
Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS

Published 2012-12-21


  • Plato,
  • aletheia,
  • truth,
  • men,
  • Western ontology

How to Cite

Carreño Zúñiga, A. P. (2012). Heidegger, reader of Plato: transition from aletheia through the cave’s myth. Revista Filosofía UIS, 11(2), 17–44. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/3362


Heidegger back to the origin of the fundamental question repeatedly, this situation leads him to assert that the theming of the question of meaning, that is, the question of being, is directed towards of truth topic. In 1935, Heidegger checks his transit by Western ontology and writing framing under the title of “thinking history of being” (Seinsgeschichtlich). We intend to present Heidegger’s explanation of the passage or transit of truth in the origin of Greek thought as unconcealment (aletheia) and the platonic sense of truth as correspondence (omóiosis). The truth as aletheia, is the history section of the cave (which is the story of each men), a transformation by the “transit” between “seeing” (ὁρᾶν) and “visible” (νοεῖν), the transformation creates the new concept of Platonic ἰδέα: Heidegger calls this Er-blickenheit or truth as Homoiósis has since become adaequatio and then ‘agreement’. Study the theme of truth from an original reading by Martin Heidegger, aims noted the situation of the contemporary debate about the usual interpretation of Plato’s doctrine.


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