Vol. 12 No. 1 (2013): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Lacan and the psychoanalytic use of concepts derived from logic, science and philosophy

Horacio Fernando Schutt
Florida Center for the Teaching and Research in Psychoanalysis (USA).

Published 2013-09-13


  • psychoanalysis,
  • science,
  • philosophy,
  • disciplines,
  • subject

How to Cite

Schutt, H. F. (2013). Lacan and the psychoanalytic use of concepts derived from logic, science and philosophy. Revista Filosofía UIS, 12(1), 101–120. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/3515


Psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan imports concepts from other disciplines to Psychoanalysis. Doing so modifies both; the imported concept and the psychoanalytical praxis. Thus, turning over and transforming the Saussure’s formula into algorithm, or the use of the Descartes’ concepts of doubt and subject, or utilizing letters and formulas as Koyré suggests they work for science, or bringing into play Russell’s logical mathematical principles, exemplify this Lacan’s modality and its effects on psychoanalytical praxis.


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  1. Freud, S. (1982). ”La interpretación de los sueños”. Obras completas, Tomos v-vi,Buenos Aires, Madrid: Amorrortu.
  2. Freud, S. (1982).”Más allá del principio del placer”. Obras completas. Tomo xviii, Buenos Aires, Madrid: Amorrortu.
  3. Koyré, A. (1980). Estudios de historia del pensamiento científico. México: Siglo XXI.
  4. Lacan, J. (1992). Seminario 20. Aun (1972-1973). Buenos Aires: Paidós.
  5. Lacan, J. (1988). “La ciencia y la verdad”. Escritos 2. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, pp. 834-858.
  6. Lacan, J. (2001). “Prefacio a la edición inglesa del Seminario XI” (1976). Intervenciones y textos ii. Buenos Aires: Manantial, pp. 59-62.
  7. Russell, B. (1920). Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. Londres: G. Allen & Unwin.
  8. Saussure, F. (2011). Course in General Linguistics. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.