Vol. 13 No. 1 (2014): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

The melancholy of the angel and the prophet. (Or about the general principles for a critique of liberal stanza)

Camilo Alfonso Salazar Flórez
Universidad JaverianaBogotá.

Published 2014-04-29


  • Melancholy,
  • compulsion,
  • regime,
  • space,
  • event

How to Cite

Salazar Flórez, C. A. (2014). The melancholy of the angel and the prophet. (Or about the general principles for a critique of liberal stanza). Revista Filosofía UIS, 13(1), 139–166. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/4408


The main purpose of this essay is trying to relate agambeniana theory of human melancholic “estancia”, in which is defined symbolic plurality, to a conception of melancholy ruled by the inherent spaciality to such syndrome, in search of point out a melancholic analogy (a silent discourse) with the liberalism. It is shown how and why this sickness is related, from the beginning, to the space and how such sickness does not have an other option but being the specialiation of everything that wants to show through it. Afther that, it is defined how certain hysterias reflect melancholyc regime and how its cure can not be presented in the same regime but through its breakdown (breakdown will not be explained as something behind issues but as something on the surface of such issues). With all of this clear, it is made a specific review of Agamben’s theory of Angel and Prophet as melancholyc actions, and finally facing them against presence of Christ, as that which, living in reality’s hearth, can be the fulminant and generative event of that.


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