Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016): Revista filosofía UIS
Research Article

Libidinal circuits and metamorphosis according to Deleuze: megalomania position, self-extinction and becoming-animal

Fabrice Jambois
Universidad de Toulouse II Jean-Jaurés, Francia

Published 2016-11-30


  • schizophrenias,
  • body without organs,
  • masochism,
  • libido,
  • becoming-animal

How to Cite

Jambois, F. (2016). Libidinal circuits and metamorphosis according to Deleuze: megalomania position, self-extinction and becoming-animal. Revista Filosofía UIS, 15(2), 91–110. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v15n2-2016005


In Anti-Œdipus, the concept of Body Without Organs is in the first place built in reference to schizophrenia. But in A Thousand Plateau , the same concept is thought in reference to masochism, making it hard to understand univocally. This article intends to analyse this change of paradigm. It also intempts to explain in an accurate way the concept of becoming-animal in masochism.


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