Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016): Revista filosofía UIS
Research Article

The theses of the philosophy of history in Benjamin: a commitment to memory and political action

Luis Alfonso Zuñiga Herazo
Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Published 2016-11-30


  • Memory,
  • politics,
  • history,
  • violence,
  • messianism

How to Cite

Zuñiga Herazo, L. A. (2016). The theses of the philosophy of history in Benjamin: a commitment to memory and political action. Revista Filosofía UIS, 15(2), 193–214. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v15n2-2016010


Shows how the thesis of philosophy of the history of Benjamin, allow thinking history and political action in a different way to how they have been conceived in the historiography and traditional politics. Likewise, against what could suggest an initial reading of the thesis, we show that what Benjamin called the revolutionary political action, would need an action unrelated violence to be able to break away from the continuum of history. Finally, we indicated as the limits of thinking separate politics from the notion of historical progress, allows that it can contribute to the recognition of victims and forgotten history.


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