Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016): Revista filosofía UIS
Research Article

Phenomenological aspects in Thomas Hobbes’ theory of knowledge as the origin of the Civil state

Mauricio Calle Zapata
Corporación Instituto Jorge Robledo, Colombia

Published 2016-11-30


  • theory of knowledge,
  • phenomenology,
  • civil state,
  • language,
  • natural state

How to Cite

Calle Zapata, M. (2016). Phenomenological aspects in Thomas Hobbes’ theory of knowledge as the origin of the Civil state. Revista Filosofía UIS, 15(2), 215–136. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v15n2-2016011


This text intends to account for the rationale and justification of the origin of the civil State from the phenomenological aspects of Thomas Hobbes’ theory. Undoubtedly, perception or intuition, sensitivity, imagination or memory, language, movement, calculation, desire, wish, fear, among others, are what lead the subject to understand his own nature; and from it, to come to agreements with other subjects giving in his natural rights to a third party, and therefore, to give an end to the natural state to be able to preserve his life and to live in peace.


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