Vol. 16 No. 1 (2017): Revista Filosofía UIS

Citizens responsibility on transitional justice: Considerations on the role of philosophy in the post-agreement's era

Katherine Esponda-Contreras
Universidad Santiago de Cali

Published 2017-09-11


  • transitional justice,
  • ethics,
  • education,
  • philosophy,
  • citizenship,
  • responsibility
  • ...More

How to Cite

Esponda-Contreras, K. (2017). Citizens responsibility on transitional justice: Considerations on the role of philosophy in the post-agreement’s era. Revista Filosofía UIS, 16(1), 18–34. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v16n1-2017001


It is undeniable the importance of ethics -as part of philosophy, on the citizenship building, in order to face the challenges in a post-conflict era. On this idea, I will address the ethical dimension of transitional justice in order to argue the following thesis: it is necessary not only recognize, but also to assess the ethical dimension in transitional justice processes, due to it is this dimension that will make feasible the realization of agreements in everyday pragmatic, transcending the merely political or legal sphere. To achieve this objective, I propose to make a conceptual tracing of transitional justice to show that, since its founding principles, there is an ethical dimension to this process, the above taking into account the notion of responsibility we have on the other, that is, sense of humanity that leads to cooperation.


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