Vol. 16 No. 1 (2017): Revista Filosofía UIS

The legal argumentation: beyond the syllogism, beyond the system of rules, closer to principles

Pedro Antonio García-Obando
UNICIENCIA-Corporación Universitaria de Ciencia y Desarrollo
Alonso Silva-Rojas
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2017-09-11


  • argumentation,
  • legal syllogism,
  • rules,
  • principles,
  • judicial activity

How to Cite

García-Obando, P. A., & Silva-Rojas, A. (2017). The legal argumentation: beyond the syllogism, beyond the system of rules, closer to principles. Revista Filosofía UIS, 16(1), 36–48. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v16n1-2017002


The article explains how in the field of judicial decisions is possible another form of argument beyond the legal syllogism, ie outside the application of standards all or nothing, and therefore outside the link established between premises and conclusion in all valid deductive reasoning. We try, in this way, to place the activity of judges beyond the system of rules and propose to put it within the framework of the principles. To illustrate our work, we will examine, in the relevant issues, the following three sentences of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court (11001-02-03-000-2005-00251-01, 25 June 2009), and three sentences of the Colombian Constitutional Court (T-071/12 and T-238/13).


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Corte Suprema De Justicia De Colombia. Sentencias: 11001-02-03-000-2005-00251-01 de la Sala de Casación Civil (25 de junio de 2009).

Corte Constitucional de Colombia: Sentencias: T-071de 2012, T-283 de 2013, T-1226 de 2004, C-037 de 1996, C-634 de 2011 y C-054 de 2016.