Vol. 6 No. 1 y 2 (2007): Revista Filosofía UIS
Research Article

Interpretation and Psychopathology. Two approaches to the construction of delusions

Alfredo De los Ríos
Universidad de Antioquia

Published 2007-08-02


  • delusion,
  • subject,
  • interpretation,
  • context,
  • certainty,
  • psychosis
  • ...More

How to Cite

De los Ríos, A. (2007). Interpretation and Psychopathology. Two approaches to the construction of delusions. Revista Filosofía UIS, 6(1 y 2), 191–210. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/70


This article tries to describe the conformation of the chronic deliriums studied by classic psychiatry from two points of view: one from the psychoanalysis that supposes an emptiness of meaning in the primary symbolic structure, which the subject compensates with an excess of interpretation as much in universe of the language, like from the signals of the surrounding world. Therefore a speech is constructed that is not compatible with the one of the rest of the people, and by way of the subject enunciates certainties that are not modified by the logical arguments. The second point of view is the linguistic theory that it studies the cognitive mechanisms with which a subject constructs a delirium, from certain forms of interpretation as much of signs and signals that it receives like from the context where it is. Numerous contributions collected of several authors in the elucidation of the heuristic mechanisms and of another type in the construction of the deliriums.


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