Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018): Revista Filosofía UIS

The role of the community in the relationship between science and faith. Approaches to the epistemological proposals of Thomas Kuhn and Mariano Artigas

Published 2018-05-16


  • science,
  • paradigm,
  • community,
  • anthropological faith,
  • language

How to Cite

Pereira Ríos, D. (2018). The role of the community in the relationship between science and faith. Approaches to the epistemological proposals of Thomas Kuhn and Mariano Artigas. Revista Filosofía UIS, 17(1), 271–287. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v17n1-2018013


Sharing a time of searching for truths and the passion to find them in their researches, Thomas Khun and Mariano Artigas, perhaps by paths that intersect, will show us a key element: human community. It is what gives us the necessary structure so that science and faith may find ways of solving the questions of the human kind, making use of its own tools, such as language. This can be the privileged path to find some truth that helps humanity to continue to understand itself.


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