Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): Revista Filosofía UIS

Education, discipline and punishment: considerations regarding the mechanisms of containment

Edwin Augusto Correa
Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia

Published 2020-06-04


  • education,
  • discipline,
  • punishment,
  • docility

How to Cite

Correa, E. A. (2020). Education, discipline and punishment: considerations regarding the mechanisms of containment. Revista Filosofía UIS, 19(2), 241–262. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfil.v19n2-2020013


The cohesion of culture has been possible through to the instinctive renunciation and the posthumous restoration of education in the life of man. Since archaic times, a teaching and docility scheme has been drawn up based on the current needs of the time. Hence, the objectives of this paper is to examine this historical dialectic of education, and on the other hand to explore the concepts of discipline and punishment as instruments that shape the educational practice. To encompass, these objectives are placed in context the formation of the subject in history, discipline as an element of control that governs in minucia the environment of the subject, and punishment as an element that guarantees the complete docility of the individual. It is concluded that in order to achieve human docility, different mechanisms for the bending of the will must be deployed, only that in our time the devices have become so flexible that they have lost the strength necessary to forge the human character with an adequate level of consciousness. Well, what really interests the system are the standardized bodies ready for the job functions.


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